Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Kat's Alaskan Vacation!!!

Well, Kat finally made it up to Alaska. I thought she would never get here! We had a wonderful visit. The next few blog entries will be of her visit and then Ralph's brother's visit which came on the heals of Kat's visit. Enjoy Alaska through mine and Kat's eyes!
This is what fishing was like Kat's first time to the river. She joined right into the combat fishing line just like a professional. WE thought there were lots of fishermen there at that time. As you will see in the next few pictures, we were wrong. The lines continued to grow and grow and even got worse when Ralph's brother was here. BUT...we all caught plenty of salmon! Who says we can't 'Alaskan combat fish' with the best of them!?
Kat's first fish. One medium and one well, little one??
Here she is in the line the next day. See her in her pink jacket (my pink jacket?)
NOW...that is more like it. This was her BIG fish! Nicely done Kathleen!

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