The life and times of our family... living, playing and growing in the shade of a mountain, along a river and at the foot of a glacier. NOTE: You should be able to click on each picture and have it show up bigger on your computer.
Notice the 'glow' of the sun in the upper parts of the trees and the valley!
Here it is! The first SUN to hit our house since Thanksgiving! I know this probably doesn't mean much to those of you who have sun each SUNNY day, but for us, living on the north side of this mountain, this means SO MUCH!
Posted by
Dody Kettler
11:23 AM
I can't imagine, Dody! I would be so despondent without sun for so long. We don't get much sun in northern NY, but when the sunshines, it lights up our home.
I also had to chuckle at your little heater. I have one of those that I bring around with me when I am in a cold place in our house.
I've never seen pics of Alaska, and I am so grateful to you for sharing! It makes me understand much more why so many military families hope to return permanently.
Don't know if I mentioned this, but my mom lived in Juneau for several years as a child. Her mom divorced my g-father and took her three kids up there, sight unseen--based only on what my g-father had told her of its beauty. It wasn't even a state yet, and after moving there, she found a job with the government. My mom and her sister FLED upon high school graduation (grin) in the late '50s, and my g-mother lived there until the 1970s.
Thanks again for bringing something special to me, a little closer to my heart.
I can only imagine. I barely survive our winters and we do get sun... I can't imagine dark days for so long.
I'm so glad you joined the project and are willing to share so many pictures!
Yeah!!! The sun is back! What a great reminder of God's faithfulness!!
Beautiful pictures, Dody! I would say that I can't imagine but with all of our grey weather, here in WA, it feels like we haven't had sun since Thanksgiving. Ha!
Yay! Rejoicing with you at the return of the sun!
Congrats, Dody. I'd actually been wondering how you were doing on the dark side of the mountain. It will only get lighter and lighter now and before you know it, you'll have 20 hours of sunlight. LOL
Yippee! Good day sunshine! Good day sunshine! Sunny days...sleeping the clouds away! I can't think of any other sunshiny songs but I sure am happy you have some to warm your bones!
I guess I should appreciate our sunshine here in the sunshine state. I think we take it for granted. I can't imagine not seeing it for weeks at a time! I love all your pictures. We have never been to Alaska so we are enjoying the views you have been sharing.
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