Monday, February 19, 2007

More snow cave adventures

The meeting room...this room is about 5 ft. high and about 15-18 ft. across (kind of round actually) with the kitchen set off to one side. This is where the youth group comes to get warm and watch movies (yes, they have a generator and have a TV and DVD player!)
My son and daughter and their good friend...trying to stay warm.
More friends in the meeting room. Altogether there are nearly 30 high school students and a few leaders, three I think!
One of my son's buddies trying to hide from the camera
One of my daughter's friends in their cave. My daughter and her three friends, along with a little help from dad and another male friend, dug this big enough for the four of them to sleep warmly last night!
The boy's den...the boys had a little trouble. They dug their cave too high and ended up being able to see daylight and had a leaky they are moving into the meeting room and sleeping there tonight. The wind chill could be -40 tonight, so they certainly need a warm, leak-proof cave!


The boys urinal in the snow cave! Yuck!
Our Youth Pastor getting ready for the arrival of 25 high school students. Notice the wood braces...hmmm makes you wonder...are they holding up the roof??
The kitchen stocked with nutritious food! LOL
My daughter and her beautiful friends, getting ready to dig their sleeping cave
My son and his best buddies, in the beginning stages of their sleeping cave.
LOTS of work...this is Alaska...10 degrees or less with 20mph winds and notice some of the kids in short sleeves!