Tuesday, June 5, 2007
First Alaskan adventure of the summer
Richard, a dear friend and fishing buddy to Ralph and I, privileged me with a trout fishing trip to the lake using the beautiful wooden canoe he built himself. What an evening. I was able to put out my 'gone fishing' sign and join Richard at a local lake just behind my friend Nancy's house. There were no trout because of something being done to the lake, but the evening was beautiful and I was able to conquer my fear of deep water combined with little canoes! LOL Richard taught me to paddle and turn and I was even able to relax enough to do some trout fishing. We are hoping the water calms down enough by the end of the week to go again and actually catch some lake trout. I also got a bonus of beautiful bird watching while rowing. Here is a grebe and a goldeneye. Wish I could have gotten a little closer, but was happy to get these pictures.
Posted by
Dody Kettler
8:13 AM
Back to Alaska!
Back to Alaska. Guess what? Summer arrived while I was in MN. The days are LONG, the sun has been shining some and the temperatures are much better. We are running in the 60s and 70s now and the sun sets around 11:30pm! Here are a few pictures of my flowers. I have a limited ability to grow anything, so I just do the basics here in our yards. I love my logs for the plants.
Along with arriving home came Kyle much anticipated driving permit. He has started driving in our area and is doing well as long as he is driving the automatic. LOL
Of course no return to Alaska would be complete without getting the fishing supplies loaded into the car! Can you tell I can't wait to start catching fish??
Posted by
Dody Kettler
8:00 AM
We had am amazing treat while we were in MN. Not only was Sunday, May 27 Military Appreciate Day at the Metrodome enabling us to get in free, but our friends were able to get the Navare suite to sit and watch the game in! We had such a wonderful time. These pictures were taken in the suite.
This one was taken from some of the seats we had in the park.
I couldn't resist snapping a photo of the ceiling of the metrodome. Pretty cool place.
Posted by
Dody Kettler
7:52 AM
A few more MN happenings...
Curtis and Kyle playing on a friend's moped, in the pizza parlor parking lot.
The rides at the Mall of America. Beth and Kyle with some friends.
Kyle at the MN airport, with his buddy SNOOPY.
Posted by
Dody Kettler
7:46 AM
MN wildlife
While at the MN Arboretum we saw this family of Canada geese. Aren't they adorable?
This one was sitting on her nest.
Posted by
Dody Kettler
7:38 AM