Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
THREE and holding...
Well, this is our THREE countdown. We should have put up TWO today but Ralph's flight has been delayed a day so we are sitting here on THREE and holding!
Posted by
Dody Kettler
7:48 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Termination Dust in our mountains and SIX!
This is the first morning for termination dust, also known as snow, in our mountains. Pioneer Peak had some a few days ago, but this is getting pretty close to home now!
And Ralph's favorite snack honors his homecoming!!
Posted by
Dody Kettler
5:47 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Fall in Alaska
This is just under the base of Pioneer Peak. The colors are getting more beautiful each day!
This is the meadow near our house. Sometimes it is brimming with swans and moose and even the occasional bear, but lately it has been quiet except for two swans that should be nearing their migration back south. The colors are so wonderful.
This is another spot in the 'meadow'. I don't think it is actually a meadow, but that is what I call it!
The leaves in our driveway. I keep asking them to slow down so that there are at least a few on the trees when Ralph gets home, but with the wind like it has been I am not sure that will happen.
Posted by
Dody Kettler
6:08 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
River Update and fall colors in our Valley
So, this is what the river looks like now. It has dropped dramatically in the last few weeks. Oh the changes that are near! In a way it makes me sad, but in another way it makes me appreciate the changes here in Alaska. They are so dramatic and drastic that it almost makes you excited to partake in them. So my dear brother Dan and sister Sherry (who will be here in September), I wonder what adventures are ahead for us during your visit! Click here for pictures of previous 'river update' pictures.
This is what I see each day when I drive over the hill to our house. The fall colors are just beginning to come out. Again, this will change so rapidly in the next few weeks. Don't be surprised if the next update is without leaves and that could be as soon as 2 weeks from now! Glad that wood is chopped and the woodshed is FULL! Have a wonderful fall!
Posted by
Dody Kettler
3:46 PM
A final sunset for the week...
Well, words don't seem enough to express the week Marsha and I had, all topped off by this sunset on the way home. This could serve as my 'river update' but because you can't see the river too well, I will post an update with links to the previous river posts.
WOW! I can't believe I live here!
Posted by
Dody Kettler
3:37 PM
More local highlights...Alyeska Tram, Girdwood
We jumped on the Alyeska Ski Area Tram. It was a gorgeous day in the Turnagain Arm.
Just at the top of the tram the paragliders leave the land and float over the Turnagain Arm. Only $175 to tandem glide...Curtis?
Here are the ski runs offered here at Alyeska...notice there are 5 double black diamonds...Caleb?
Okay, Marsha and I weren't expecting this sign. We have many avalanches and so you must watch for unexploded artillery. Below is the gun used to shoot down the avalanches. Interesting.
Posted by
Dody Kettler
3:30 PM
Local highlights...Iditarod Headquarters
We decided to do a little local sight seeing in the Valley. We went to the Musk Ox Farm but I didn't get any good pictures. Next time. Here are some pictures of the Iditarod dogs and puppies. We did take a ride around with the dogs pulling us in a cart (not quite the same as in the winter!)
Beth and the puppies...always!
Trying to take a picture backwards while we were going around the curves! Beth and Marsha seemed to be enjoying the ride!
Posted by
Dody Kettler
3:22 PM
A little bit more wildlife from Seward...
Some little sea otters just floating along in the sunlight!
This picture just cracks me up! Doesn't it look like these Stellar Sea Lions are smiling? I just love it.
The King of the Bay!
Posted by
Dody Kettler
3:16 PM
The most amazing glacier calving EVER!
Okay, this is the Aialik Glacier out of Seward. It is huge and amazing and wonderful and WOW! Here we are coming up to it. Soon we would be standing in the boat at the foot of the glacier watching the most amazing calving I have ever seen. Even some of the staff on the boat had never seen anything like it. If you look at these pictures closely you should be able to see a large crack that just falls. I have video of this section and I wish so badly I could figure out how to upload the video but because it was done on my camera and have not been able to get it on my blog. I will keep working on that!
Posted by
Dody Kettler
3:09 PM